Your real estate specialist

 We are entering a new era in property consulting:
Holistic and sustainable 360° consulting approach.


Our focus:


  • Independent search for your dream home

  • Consulting (pre and after purchase)

  • Professional Opinion and Estimation of Costs

  • Arquitecture

  • Interior and Exterior Design

  • Planning Applications & Local Authority Consents and Approvals

  • Project planning: Evaluation of your needs & selection of the companies involved in the project

  • Project supervision and control


Based on more than 25 years of experience, we are the professionals by your side that help you transform your home to make your dream come true.


We have a truly holistic, sustainable consulting approach – we are your one point of contact. We only care about what is best for you.



Good advice is the key to a successful project.



You are considering buying a new home in Mallorca? Are you sure about where you would like your new home to be? Would you like to assure that this is a good investment?


Investing in a dream home in Mallorca costs hundreds of thousands or millions of Euros – make sure that you rely on real experts that only care about the best advice for you.


We offer:

  • Site analysis and site selection in Mallorca,
  • Search for your dream home,
  • Evaluation of the property offers including visits of the properties together with you or via video-call,
  • Analysis of the state of construction and building quality,
  • Estimation of costs of any kind of transformation
  • Purchase advice including market analysis,
  • Checking the legality, buildability and possibility of changes and extensions and
  • Advice regarding obra mayor/"obra menor”.


Make sure that you really know what you are investing in.


We are at your side with 25 years of experience and 100% neutral advice. We work only in your interest, independent and comprehensive of real estate agents.


After purchase:


After the purchase, we can guide you through the whole transformation process:


What are your visions? Classical or modern? A total rehabilitation, the change of some parts, or an extension?


We work together with all specialists necessary for your wishes and make sure that your desired project can be realised according to your ideas - in line with building laws that often change in Mallorca. For further details, please see below.


Professional opinion and estimation of costs


Based on our high qualificacion (master university degree in arquitecture, Germany, and more than 25 years of experience in the construction and rehabilitation of luxury real estate homes), we give you a true professional opinion of real estate properties (pre and after purchase), and a realistic estimation of costs – for small changes as well as whole transformations of old houses.



We analyse:


  • Professional opinion ("Gutachten")

  • State of the property (pros and cons)

  • Construction defects / Rehabilitation needs

  • Evaluation of different possibilities to cure defects

  • Estimation of costs for renovations / rehabilitations, according to your whishes and needs


Depending on your intentions and needs, there are always different possibilities to rehabilitate properties: change the whole roof or only parts of it? How to cure dambness in the walls and the floor? We evaluate the options available, state of the art, so that you can choose what is best for you.


Based on our high qualificacion and our outstanding experience, we can give you an estimation of costs for all your whishes and desires with regards to your property. This gives you security for your decisions.



Arquitecture, Interior and Exterior Design

We take your ideas seriously

How would you like your dream house to look like? What would you like to change or improve? How can the property be adapted to modern living?


We offer the whole value chain:


  • Reconfguration of space to adapt to modern living
  • Extensions / dismantling (Erweiterung / Rückbau)
  • Swimming pool (planning or changes)
  • Creating an overall „look and feel“ for your home
  • Garden and land planning (including vinyards, horse stables, traditional stone walls etc.)
  • Interior design (kitchen & complete furnishing)
  • Listed buildings and estates
  • Interior hotels, boutique hotels and land hotels
  • Vineyards, horse stables, olive groves


We realize what you have in mind.


Planning Applications & Local Authority Approvals

 In Mallorca, building licenses to change your property can take a very long time. Defects can be pointed out several times by different local authorities, making the process very time consuming.


We care for you project licence: we are in close contact with local authorities and the different Consellerias involved (depending on your project) to speed things up. We personally talk to the decision makers to save you time.


We work closely together with local arquitects, arquitectos tecnicos and ingenieurs industrial / ingenieur agrario – whomever may be necessary for you. We supervise the whole process and bring the whole team together.


Due to our in-depth experience, we can offer our advice on the most complicated projects: transformation of listed buildings and estates (granjas), planning of interior hotels, boutique hotels and land hotels as well as vineyards, horse stables or olive groves.


We devote our professional experience only to the transformation and extension of existing real estate, not to new building projects.


Project Planning

 Evaluation of your needs & selection of the companies involved in the project.

Would you like just air conditioning, or also a true heating system for cosy winter days? Would you like to use gasoil, a heat pump or solar heat? Would you like your roof to meet the standards you are used to from your home country? And the windows as well? Should the floor be soundproof?


We evaluate what you really need and present the best possible solutions for you, so that you can decide.


Thereafter, we make a 100% neutral selection process of the companies needed for your special project. e.g.:

  • Arquitects
  • Technical arquitects
  • Ingenieur Industrial / Ingenieur agrario
  • Construction companies
  • Roofers
  • Electricians, plumbers
  • Well builders
  • Window fitters
  • Specialists for

o   Swimming pool


o   Air conditioning


o   Microcement


o   Heat pumps etc.


We have a strong network of reliable, trustworthy companies and of course we involve companies that you wish. You will then only receive our advice for your own good - we are only there for you and do not accept kick-backs.


The price is important, but even more important are the technical standards and materials applied, quality and reliability.


Make sure that you receive the best advice, independent of the interests of the involved parties and according to the latest technical standards.


Project supervision and control

We make sure that the works have the quality agreed and are carried out professionally and according to the standards defined.


We are monitoring the construction works carefully and are in steady contact with you with photos, videos and video conferences from the construction sight. Also, of course, we check the bills for you.


Do not leave the construction companies on their own – make sure they are supervised professionally. After the walls have been closed, you will not be able to see behind.


Maintanance of house & garden


You want to make sure that your house and garden are in good hands when you are away? That the beauty inside and outside are maintained, so that you can enjoy your oasis when you are coming?


Or would you like to change your garden? Plant a vinyard or a herb garden? Add some more places to relax - some more flowers? Fix some stone walls?


The house, the garden, the land, the pool – we care for them, on a regular basis as well as any kind of maintanance or transformation work that will be done while you are away. When you come, just sit down and relax.



From your initial idea to the completion of the project and the interior design, we take care of all necessary activities for you. We offer a holistic, sustainbale approach and are your one point of contact for all your queries.


Our costs are 100% transparent and fair. We do not work with any kick-backs, we are just there for you.


Do not hesitate to contact us. Be worth it to work with true professionals. Your dream property in Mallorca deserves it.


Before and after:

Our Company


Real Estate Consulting Mallorca is a consulting company which is based on the highest, solid german standards, managed by Alexander Enzmann & Sonja Enzmann-Beselin.


Alexander Enzmann, is German master carpenter (Schreinermeister) and has a german master university degree in arquitecture from Germany (Dipl. Ing. Arquitect, University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden).


Since over 25 years Alexander Enzmann builds and refurbishes luxury real estate homes for his clientele, often combined with obeying guidelines for heritage conservation. Details in the construction technology, architecture as well as in the interior design are of utmost importance for Alexander Enzmann. 


Sonja Enzmann-Beselin, his wife, is a qualified German lawyer and has the qualification as Solicitor for England and Wales. She worked for many years in elevated positions in Germany. She sets the standards for all legal questions, planning applications and local authority consents and approvals.


Both Alexander and Sonja manage the company together.


Real Estate Consulting Mallorca works together with a solid network of high standing professionals in every aspect: arquitectos tecnicos, ingenieur industrial, construction companies, roofers, electricians, plumbers, stone wall builders, pool builders, specialists for solar and heat pumps etc – whatever your needs may be.


You are most welcome to contact us. We will be by your side.




Carrer de l'Església 14

07420 Sa Pobla

Islas Baleares

+34 671 218 413

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For further information or if you have any questions, you can contact us directly here:

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Tel: +34 673 644 387


C Esglesia 14

07420 Sa Pobla

Islas Baleares, España